Monday, April 08, 2024

Twenty Questions

These 20 questions were from the "Introduce Yourself" section of the BG Hub on Discord. Not sure if this is "cheating" when it comes to forcing myself to write something here everyday. I realize that I won't be able to contribute equal levels of content all the time, and there will be times when I won't have any idea what to write about. 

So, I am giving myself permission to include posts that are "less inspired" from time to time. I might write about my cat, or what I had for dinner. That will be okay. I just need to write every day.

These questions are focused on the board game hobby. The BG Hub, which stands for Board Game Hub is a discord channel run by some board game review content creators on YouTube. This was one idea for a "getting to know you" exercise.

1. Name, age and location?

     Jeff Moore, 57 ¾, Muskegon, MI, USA

2. Favorite childhood board game?

     Barnstormer (1970)

3. When did you REALLY get into the board game hobby?

     Around 2012.

4. First game you purchased? Do you still own that game?

     If you don't count MTG, probably Robo-Rally. In 2012 it was either King of Tokyo or X-Wing. Do not still have any of these.

5. Any hobbies other than board games?

     Role playing and designing role playing games. Blogging.

6. Your breakthrough game?

     King of Tokyo

7. A theme that always draws you in?

     Fantasy Adventure

8. Favorite mechanism(s)?

     Tile Laying, Exploration, Pick Up and Deliver, Deck Building

9. A mechanism you don't like or that you aren't good at?

     Closed Drafting, Auction, Memorization

10. Newest game(s) in your collection? Have you played it/them?

     Cosmoctopus, Fisheries of Gloucester, DorfRomantik: The Duel. Yes to all.

11. Favorite player count?

     Two. Just me and my wife.

12. What is your board game pet peeve?

     Tiny pieces or tiny print. (I'm getting old.)

13. What player color do you use most often?


14. Read the rulebook or watch a how to play video?

     Listen to Julie (my wife) read the rulebook.

15. Favorite snack to eat while playing board games?

     Pretzel sticks and peanut M&M's.

16. Have you ever been to a board game convention?

     Gencon when they first moved to Indy, but I was there for the RPG's.

17. An unreleased game you are most looking forward to?

     Cities from Devir by Steve Finn and Phil Walker Harding.

18. What is your favorite thing about the board game hobby?

     The many ways to experience it. From playing the games, to the videos, to the community, and the way that my wife and I are  able to bond while experiencing it all together.

19. Open and punch a game right when you get it or wait until you play it for the first time?

     Punch it right away.

20. Others you would like to see do this tag.

     Wil Wheaton

Join my Facebook Group to discuss this post and anything related to RPG's and geekdom!


  1. Didn't learn anything new from this list, but I am surprised that "take that" didn't appear as either your pet peeve or least favorite mechanic (not sure if take that is actually a mechanic)

  2. Forgot about "Take That" - yeah, hate it.
