Sunday, May 26, 2024

RPG Play Test Coming Soon

I had originally planned to write a different entry for today, but I need to get approval before I share it publicly. My vow of course is to write everyday, and then to post here everyday as a way to keep myself accountable. I did write quite a bit today already that I won't be sharing just yet. Most likely, I will continue the story about my move to Tulsa next weekend.

For now, I wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and hope that if you are able, you are playing some great board games or role-playing games. My most recent RPG project is called, Little Colony On The Big Moon: A game of exploration and community building. It's ready now for its first test at the gaming table and I will be reaching out to some people to try to make that happen soon.

If this is something that you would be interested in, please let me know.

Join my Facebook Group to discuss this post and anything related to RPG's and geekdom!

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